All blogs from Gareth Casey
When Is A Bug Really A Bug?
Although bugs have been part of software development since computers were first programmed, not all bugs are created equal. Most people think software bugs are just programming errors – a failure or flaw in a program that produces undesired or incorrect results – but this isn’t strictly true. There are many reasons for software bugs and they have different ways of appearing…
What Is A Non-Disclosure Agreement?
A Non-Disclosure Agreement, or NDA, is a legal agreement between your prospective software development company and yourself not to disclose any information relating to your project to anyone else, and it’s something that’s usually signed even before tendering the contract to your chosen development company.
What Is Big Data – 6 Things You Really Need To Know
What is ‘big data’? If you’ve read countless descriptions and still can’t get your head around the definition of this mythical form of technology, or where the line between ‘little’ data and its larger cousin is drawn, we’d like to let you into a little secret.
Big data is rarely, actually, big data.
What Are Single-Page Web Apps?
Single-page web apps – or SPAs, as they’re more commonly referred to – are fast becoming the go-to solution for web application development. They offer an all-encompassing experience for the user and take full advantage of responsive web design.
What is Web 3.0 and will it change our lives?
The World Wide Web is changing, again. But it might not be immediately apparent, given that Tim Berners-Lee’s creation is now an intrinsic part of everyday life for millions of people.
Ask any expert how the web is evolving and they’re likely to tell you that we’re on the brink of Web 3.0. But what is Web 3.0 and how – if at all – is it likely to change our lives?
Software Testing Is More Important Than Ever. Here’s Why.
When Apple launched its answer to Google Maps in 2012, it was met with derision from both the tech press and consumers. Simple address searches would elicit wildly different results and strange defects in the much-hyped ‘Flyover’ feature resulted in missing buildings and bridges that appeared to have suffered some kind of catastrophic collapse.