Case Study - Lares Digital

Digital Front of House System

Blueberry developed a digital reception system for Lares Digital that routes visitor calls to the first available receptionist. It also allows staff to remotely access and operate the building's doors, announce visitors to their hosts, and manage deliveries.


Property Management





The Requirements

Lares Digital required a video-switchboard solution to direct incoming video calls to the first available member of staff, similar to a traditional telephone reception switchboard. Additionally, they needed a secure, separate point-to-point connection with the site to allow staff to gain approval to access the control system for operating the doors. This functionality had to be integrated with a contacts database so staff could easily contact hosts and inform them of the arrival of visitors or deliveries. Furthermore, the company needed multiple telemetry points and robust reporting functionalities.

Lares initial alpha version of the software was mostly functional, but still clunky and unreliable. They urgently needed a product that was fully production ready, as they’d already started business development and signed up their first client.

Lares Digital approached Blueberry with a very defined set of requirements, as detailed above. But most of all they needed all of this to be super-fast.

Our Solution

Blueberry developed the solution using our BBWT development platform and WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) for implementing the video. The new software has had an immediate impact on the level of service Lares Digital is able to offer their clients:

  • From a facilities management perspective - where maintaining high standards for occupants and visitors is paramount – the new software updates now allow for more granular management. 
  • Real time instructions can be given to integrated digital receptionists at both a company and individual staff/occupier level.
  • In terms of security, the software has been developed to enable photos to be taken of visitors, offering peace of mind to building owners and managers. 


The Results

Blueberry was able to quote an on-spec price with a short delivery timeframe.

Rodolphe Mortreuil, Founder & CEO of Lares Digital, said: “Blueberry’s superior project management processes ensured that milestones were met on time, and we were fully involved at all stages of development for final quality testing. Our Alpha version took us a year to develop, the team at Blueberry delivered the superior Beta in 7 weeks, and we were able to go live with the production version just a couple of weeks later!”

Looking to the future, the team at Blueberry will be working to integrate AI solutions, such as voice recognition, to ensure even greater efficiency for their clients and their building occupants/visitors.

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